When it comes to selling homes in the greater Portland area, it is still a very competitive landscape. The number of homes and condos for sale continues to be high (in Portland alone there is 9.4 months of inventory available, resulting in a unchanged absorption rate), and it is essential to use every marketing tool available to get a client’s property under contract.
Social media and the Internet are important aspects of any marketing plan, yet very few agents understand or properly employ these techniques.
Consistent Blogging Works
Blogging is still the by far the leader when it comes to drawing more viewers to a website and generating more leads – which is the life blood of any promotional programs whether its homes or widgets.
Recent statistics* have shown that businesses who blog at least 20 times per month experienced nearly 4 times more leads than those who didn’t blog, and more than 5 times the amount of leads to those who only blogged 4 times per month.
Without the ability to generate leads and market proactively, home selling is simply left to chance.
Original Content is Critical
Creating original content can be a laborious and time consuming task – yet it continues to be a provide value to potential buyers and get them to find your website and spend time on once they are there. Businesses with websites that have 401 to 1,000 webpages generate 6 times more leads than those with 51 to 100. The local average real estate website is considerably less than this.
So, if you are thinking about selling now or in the future, these are important points to consider when evaluating the marketing plans of various real estate agents.
* Based on a survey of 4,000 business by Hubspot.
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