Once you start receiving a monthly home digest from us, you will become more familiar with the value of your home, and how that value can (and will) fluctuate. A true estimated value is based on multiple factors; the market, home renovations, and the lifestyle you lead.
A key element to understanding your estimated home value is fine-tuning your report. Did you receive an estimated value that didn’t look right? With Homebot, you can adjust your Automated Valuation Model (AVM) so your monthly digest illustrates a better picture for you.
Homebot picks up data from public records if they are filed. If you are making advance payments or paying down your mortgage at a higher rate, the chances are it won’t be reflected in your initial value. That’s where tuning is helpful – Click Tune Value on your report to adjust it. You can also ask for an expert opinion. We’ll be able to analyze comparable property values in your area and manually edit your estimate based on the price ranges given to you.
After all, algorithms can generate discrepancies, and that’s why we are here to help. If you have any questions about Homebot or your home’s value, contact us.
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