Maine Home Connection Blog
Seriously Local Real Estate
The team behind Maine Home Connection comprises seasoned real estate professionals with an intimate understanding of the areas neighborhoods, trends, and unique property offerings. Our commitment to delivering top-notch content is evident through our well-curated, and thoughtful written selection of articles and videos, covering everything from market updates and buying/selling tips to community spotlights and home improvement advice.
Fake New and Social Trust- what social platforms are viewed by users as legitimate?
Buyer demand for Maine real estate continues to fuel a competitive market, driving prices higher.
Demand, driven by pandemic-induced changes to housing needs, results in sales record.
On what home improvment show would you be the best guest?
Your R.A.S. is the part of your brain that heightens your awareness of certain things, especially real estate.
On the back of staggering losses, Zillow abruptly reversed course in late 2021 and dropped home buying activities.
Interested in getting a quick and accurate evlatuion of your home's value - that you can trust?
You might be asking yourself: if I buy a home now, will it lose value? Or will it continue to appreciate going forward?
Here are seven trends in today’s market that you should be aware of.
So what does all this mean? Our take is that it is difficult to make assessments from month-to-month data.
Not a day goes by when I don’t get asked at least once “how’s the market”? Almost everyone has a vested interest in real estate.
Demand continues to drive up the values of Maine’s single family existing homes. Statewide the June median sales price (MSP) was $310,000.