January 2021 Sales Reults
Maine home sales and prices increased in January 20201 while inventory remained low.
New Loan Limits for Homebuyers
Maximum conforming rate increased to $548,250.
Stick Built vs Manufactured Homes
Building a green, sustainable home requires extensive knowledge of building science.
2020 Maine Real Estate Review
When it comes to real estate, Maine was able to thrive in 2020.
Make 2021 A Green Year
To make the challenge more manageable, we have assembled this simple list of ideas you can implement each month.
Chasing Unicorns When Homebuying
Does your home search sometimes feel like you are searching for Unicorns?
6 Rugosa Way in Brunswick
The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.
Buy Your Next Home Virtually in 2021
Today, we are using digital practices to assist homebuyers and sellers walk through many steps in the process virtually.
How is Working From Home Influencing the Market
While the pandemic continues, Americans are re-evaluating their homes needs.
Wear a Mask this Year
Doctors and druids alike agree that your costume is also necessary to keep you safe.