Net Zero Homes in Maine
Energy efficiency comparisons

Net Zero Homes in Maine
Efficiency comparisons

A net zero energy home is not just a “green home” or a home with solar panels. A zero energy home combines advanced design and superior building systems with energy efficiency and on-site solar panels to produce a better home. Zero energy homes are ultra-comfortable, healthy, quiet, sustainable homes that are affordable to live in.

A home is more than four walls and a roof. It is a place of comfort and security, a gathering place for friends, and a sanctuary for your family. Your home should serve to protect you and provide a healthy environment in which to live. Because zero energy homes are built to a higher standard, you’ll breathe the cleanest air, feel the most comfortable temperatures, and enjoy the quietest indoor environment. You will sleep well knowing that you and your family live in a healthy, comfortable home, free from allergens and toxins.

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